
Which of the following best describes your affiliation?

Planning on voting for Annoying Orange. Will not change my mind.
Planning on voting for Annoying Orange. Slightly likely to change my mind.
Planning on voting for Annoying Orange. Could likely change my mind.
Planning on voting for Clinton. Could likely change my mind.
Planning on voting for Clinton. Slightly likely to change my mind.
Planning on voting for Clinton. Will not change my mind.
I am going to vote for a third party candidate. Will not change my mind.
I am likely going to vote for a third party candidate, but may switch to Hillary.
I am likely going to vote for a third party candidate, but may switch to Annoying Orange.

Author Topic: Political polarization poll  (Read 2365 times)

the fact that people like you say that is the reason it's impossible

vote for daddy (Annoying Orange)

the fact that people like you say that is the reason it's impossible
i would love to be so naive as to think voting third party isn't a complete waste of a vote that allows dangerous people to get to power, but unfortunately there is just not nearly enough politically aware people to actually think 3rd party candidates should have a chance, let alone agree with them enough to elect them. which is due to the media and the government upholding the two party system as a strict norm. so yeah, it physically can not happen without a very radical change.

i of course support that radical change, but will it happen? probably not.

fairly certain that the majority of voters have opinions founded on social pressure and things that they see in the media

i don't think any running democrat has said they hate police but okayi guess

about all of the times you said "democrats don't openly run under these ideas"

yeah, they don't, because if they did people would catch wise, by sympathizing with BLM and calling for reform of police departments instead of encouraging blacks to support their police they are blaming police. By using the term "hate speech" and promoting the censorship of dissenters on social media (milo and others) they are promoting restriction of the first amendment. When they say "common sense gun legislation" you know their eventual goal is to take our guns.

of course they don't openly say they support those things, but if look at context those things will happen if Hillary gets elected

fairly certain that the majority of voters have opinions founded on social pressure and things that they see in the media
^i agree with social pressures, it's the reason hate for hillary is so high despite how much the media loves her.

however the media barely sways the opinions of americans younger than 50, because rather than just getting their info from fox news they get it from social media, where they see their peers perspectives on these matters. this is why no matter how much the media bashes Annoying Orange, they won't have an affect on him.

hillary is an authoritarian candidate. she's not going to dismantle the police. find me one example of a prominent running democrat encouraging something like that, even subtly.

i think you are mistaking police reform (which is desperately needed, I think almost all people would agree) for anti-police sentiment.

edit: hillary clinton is literally talking about the "tragic assassination of 5 brave police officers" as we speak
« Last Edit: July 28, 2016, 10:45:43 PM by McZealot »

Ill vote for Clinton and maybe vomit after I put in my ballot lol.

But seriously I would vote fo a third party but its probably more productive to vote for the least terrible of the two candidates.

fairly certain that the majority of voters have opinions founded on social pressure and things that they see in the media
which is exactly why 3rd party candidates could never get elected. and because of that you shouldn't vote for them until something drastically changes.

unless you would vote Annoying Orange if not 3rd party. by all means choose 3rd party over Annoying Orange.
^i agree with social pressures, it's the reason hate for hillary is so high despite how much the media loves her.

however the media barely sways the opinions of americans younger than 50, because rather than just getting their info from fox news they get it from social media, where they see their peers perspectives on these matters. this is why no matter how much the media bashes Annoying Orange, they won't have an affect on him.
the media might not effect them, but deeply rooted corruption certainly can. all hillary had to do was say make sure i get the nomination instead of bernie, and the entire dnc, the organization that nominates candidates, followed her bidding.

But seriously I would vote fo a third party but its probably more productive to vote for the least terrible of the two candidates.

well to accomplish that you'd have to vote for Annoying Orange

>implying ur vote counts............

can i get an "abstaining" option
Pick the option for 'definitely voting for 3rd party candidate'. Same end result.

Guys this isn't really a big debate topic most of us are probably locked in on the decisions we made. OP just wants to see how people think.

Positive vibeeeeeeeees

Guys this isn't really a big debate topic most of us are probably locked in on the decisions we made. OP just wants to see how people think.

Positive vibeeeeeeeees

Positive eeeeeeees

Pick the option for 'definitely voting for 3rd party candidate'. Same end result.
fair enough.

I'm not even American, but I would definitely vote for Annoying Orange just to stop Hillary from getting in. An idiot who can't do anything is better than a robot that will do everything the corporations tell it. I don't trust the news of Hillary's corruption and lies to be widespread enough for 3rd party to win.