Author Topic: I got *unbanned* from a game that I backed (E-Mail from the Dev Pg.2)  (Read 2648 times)

I'd recommend you get the word out about this douche by wording this a little more concisely and posting to /r/PCMasterRace, /r/Gaming, or maybe /r/DriftStage.
I might even make a post on filipe's behalf if he doesn't feel like posting himself.

I might even make a post on filipe's behalf if he doesn't feel like posting himself.
I'm on the phone right now if you could do it I highly appreciate it.

I'm on the phone right now if you could do it I highly appreciate it.
Alright, can do. I'll probably get banned from the driftstage subreddit, and if I do I'll just bring it somewhere else.

holy damn this gives me chuckleforget flashbacks. sorry dude

Alright, can do. I'll probably get banned from the driftstage subreddit, and if I do I'll just bring it somewhere else.
The other subreddits Zealot suggested might work as well, can you post links here once it's done?

OK, made a post on driftstage reddit:
If I get banned from the subreddit I will take the issue into gaming or pcmasterrace.
Filipe, you may want to comment on this post.

OK, made a post on driftstage reddit:
If I get banned from the subreddit I will take the issue into gaming or pcmasterrace.
Filipe, you may want to comment on this post.
Great. The more attention brought to this issue the better.
This is the twitter of the guy who banned Filipe, I recommend you tweet at him about the issue.

I received an E-Mail from the developer himself after I asked further explanation about that ban and why, and also asked for a refund, but instead I got unbanned and he told me this.

We'll go ahead and undo the suspension. It is more than a bit frustrating though to be in the position where you're hosting a forum intended for people to provide legitimate and helpful feedback and instead get threads where people are just dogpiling on the development team. The worst posts in there weren't even really your own, and you may have not even seen them since we'd already deleted some of them. We're willing to listen to feedback, but we have limits and will suspend or ban people from the forums as we feel is necessary. Backing the game grants you access to the forums, but the privilege of being able to post there is contingent on being civil and respectful.

I won't pretend there aren't grounds for people to be a bit impatient, but threads like that aren't going to help anyone. It might make some people feel a bit better in the short term to dunk on us, but the attacks and discouragement aren't going to actually help us deliver a game.

I'm not going to go into a point by point rebuttal of your post, but I'll just say that I think you vastly over-estimate the time put into the merchandise if you think it's the only thing we've been doing. We even have a partner, Ghost Ramp, that I think most people can tell is handling a large portion of the work to produce and deliver the vinyls. I personally have spent zero time on the merchandise aside from occasionally having to reply to complaints like your own.

There is significant effort being put into Drift Stage, and we're committed to delivering a good game. We're clearly not trying to pull one over on anyone, and I'm sorry if that hasn't been apparent to you.

I hope all of that is sufficient explanation for you because I don't really wish to spend any more time on this right now. I'm not trying to brush off your concerns, but I think both you and all of us probably have better ways to be spending our time.

- Chase Pettit
So basicly there were other people in my topic "stuffting" on the developers team and almost everyone involved got suspended and some removed, I can't confirm that I've seen these posts because I made that topic last night before I went to sleep, and when I woke up I saw this whole thing, and now I'm unbanned and got access again.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 11:39:49 AM by Filipe »

I received an E-Mail from the developer himself after I asked further explanation about that ban and why, and also asked for a refund, but instead I got unbanned and he told me this.
So basicly there were other people in my topic "stuffting" on the developers team and almost everyone involved got suspended and some removed, I can't confirm that I've seen these posts because I made that topic last night before I went to sleep, and when I woke up I saw this whole thing, and now I'm unbanned and got access again.
Should I keep the thread posted on the subreddit?
EDIT: I just went and deleted it, it seems the main issue with the ban is resolved.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2016, 11:45:17 AM by Mr Queeba »

But good to know this issue has been resolved then. (For now)

Should I keep the thread posted on the subreddit?
Well since he explained what happened I believe the case got solved, but I'm not sure either, what do you think?

The developer is trying to not get his hands in more issues. Also i know queeba did this but its too funny i find.

The CEO sounds a like whiny, lying cunt who is just trying to cover his tracks. They're probably the kind of person who would use Copyright Strikes to remove negative feedback videos about their game on YouTube.

holy forget you just described gaijin entertainment's CEO word for word

like, he actually tried encouraging the community to copyright strike criticism