
If anything, what should I release first?

Fort Wars
5 (10.6%)
19 (40.4%)
Tower Defense
10 (21.3%)
Other mods
9 (19.1%)
4 (8.5%)

Total Members Voted: 47

Author Topic: My Add-On discussion topic (Releasing stuff) - RandomizerDM is out!  (Read 3271 times)

I was thinking of separating some of that into different add-ons some day. Probably a good idea too.
I think keep it into the one addon and naming it "random commands" or something would be nice or making a little GUI for it and just click a command and it would do said command you clicked on.

I think keep it into the one addon and naming it "random commands" or something would be nice or making a little GUI for it and just click a command and it would do said command you clicked on.
There's a reason why I am separating it. First of all there are plenty of things in there are way too abusive and useless such as the minigame bypass, tumble wand, exploding people, making duplicate/homing projectiles. And secondly, the mod is extremely large with a bunch of useless things, only a few things can be released from it thats not as abusive as the others are, they also can be fun and possibly useful. There is a reason why I said some things will be separated. The mod was never meant to be public for these reasons.

If I ever released this as a whole with a GUI it will just make this entire thing even easier to abuse. Mainly pointless to make a GUI when the commands system is really short, shouldn't be that lazy. No thanks.

I have to say the mod is actually useful at some points but it will mainly get abused if given to the wrong person. Personally I barely use any of the content I put in it.

Before I added so many things to it I gave it to a few people and even told them to not give it out for these reasons. Of course people ignore you and hand it out like candy. This is one of the reasons why I have held all these private mods to myself for a very long time, I can't trust people anymore.

If I'm reading this correctly, it would work for something like this:
OnVehicleEnterZone -> Brick -> doVehicleTeleport?
Or something else.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2017, 11:47:46 PM by Kyuande »

Going to also release Gamemode_Slasher when everything else is released. This gives me enough time to stabilize the gamemode.

Votes are now tallied in. Here is the order. Thanks for voting, you will see a lot of releases in the near future.

Alright so I made a list on what to release based on what is being released first to last, thanks for everyone who has voted, this will help me figure out which order the mods will come.
I know I did say Friday I'll tally up votes, but this is a plan and will switch up the orders if votes change the orders.

Gamemode: Randomizer
      - Will add a bunch of Slayer prefs since there are NONE for this gamemode
      - Client GUI that makes adding categories and weapons easy to add into the randomizer
      - Reveal system at a specific time to prevent people from camping
      - Special rounds to spice up the gamemode

Other Mods - These are out of order, there is no specific release order for these
      - Gamemode Maker (revised & new features)
      - The Thing (fixed)
      - Support_Environments (Client environments but requires a DLL for use)
      ~ Support_AutoSaver (Can save/load/autoload environments)
      - Sound_AllahuAkbar
      - Script_SpinMe (Tumbling and in the air with full control)
      - Server_StaffChat
      - Script_ClearerOfStuff (Clear projectiles, emitters, lights audio profiles such as Music)
      - Server_CustomChat
      - Script_MedicVoice (Press E to scream a medic voice)
      - Script_Lightning (Examples of the Lightning object)
      - Event_DisablePaintBuild (Prevent specific players from building/eventing)
      - Event_doTeleport (Added vehicle and bot teleporting)
      - Event_onChatInput (fixed version)
      - Script_LoopDeLoop (Thread loops such as your body/head constantly spinning 360 degrees)
      - Script_Self DeleteRespawn (Self Delete replaced to respawn players)
      - Server_EnvironmentNotice (Tell everyone who is changing the environment)
      - Server_SpeedRun (Fixed version of speed run, includes a level saving system)
      - Support_MapChanger (Change/save map using the autosaving mechanism, save environments for each map, set a difficulty, and max/min player count for the map, voting system or a rotation)
      - Support_Health (Fixed custom health system)
      - Script_AvatarOverwrite (If you do not like what someone wears then force their avatar to look like something else)
      - (This isn't the end of the list, there might be more I can't think of)

Gamemode: Fort Wars
      - Prevent people from killing builders (no damage to builder) (pref for damage penalty to attacker)
      - Fort wars events to force players to attack mode when entering someone's base
      - Clans (they can't damage each other and can use a party chat system with admins/super admins of the party)
      - Toggle builder command, prevents being a builder if near an enemy base (timeouts after being attacked/attacking)
      - Max range and height for building depending on where the event's limits were set at
      - Lots more features, this will highly improve a lot of "Fort Wars" servers

Gamemode: Tower Defense
      - Complicated gamemode
      - Can make your own towers that have custom paths (health, attack speed, min/max range to shoot, cost, weapon, etc)
      - Custom difficulty system which makes different types of bots to start off with
      - Custom node system using Port's A* path finder
      - Unfinished/discontinued in a way but can still be released at its state
      - Can control towers
      - Can heal towers
      - Recommended for a tiny group of players
« Last Edit: March 16, 2017, 05:05:32 PM by Kyuande »

RandomizerDM is now released! Please report bugs in the topic!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2017, 10:48:27 AM by Kyuande »

Okay so I am forced to skip Tower Defense for a while. I'm sorry that I have to skip it but it's a very complicated gamemode especially in its code and I have no idea if I can even fix it for release. I'll make it the last thing on the list.

Pushing everything else, next release: Other Mods