Author Topic: The Lost Colony of Omega (Update-4/17)  (Read 2754 times)

 The Lost Colony of Omega is now an offical Build I have all intentions on actually finishing this time. Progress will be slow because I usually build alone. I intend this to be a Horror Type Build. So far, I probably have about... 5% done. But, I think I have a decent amount of things to go off of as of right now.

Pictures as of 4/9

Little story about it, cause why not?
 The lost Colony of Omega was a thriving colony in a distant Galaxy, about 250,000 Blockheads were sent to build on this dark and mysterious planet. Nothing has been received since the Colony finished. No one and no contact has been found... yet.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2017, 04:29:18 PM by RaIder915 »

needs better environment , but given what we have here it looks pretty neat. solid black mesa feel

Looks pretty atmospheric, can't wait for more images.

That's really cool Sketch!
Reminds me of what I have been working on.
Might as well continue the Sneak Peak trend:
(Hope you don't mind, i will remove if you want me to)

(This outside image is outdated but it'll do)

Blackmore Research and Testing Facility
Team Based Horror Survival Story - Story of Render

a few new things have been made.

Great atmosphere, very spooky. Keep working on it!

Again, A few minor updates. But still I got some things done. So far I have made Vehicles. Here they are. When ever I update, I am only showing what was the "major" new things.

The Ant- Can be loaded up with three times its weight, carts can be attached to create a train to carry supplies or Blockheads.

The Ryno- This is a Maintenance vehicle. Equip with everything that will be need. Cabin is built for longs missions. So far it has three series. A, B, and C series. The A was decommissioned, B is rare to be found. C is the current series and common.

The Bulldog and The Bug- Everyday Colonist vehicles.

The VTOL E(agle) series "The Lifeboat"- The Lifeboat is common on Planet Omega, especially around the Reese Outpost. When the Colonist disappeared, these were everywhere.

New Pictures of the Build

How do you not get creeped out while building? lol

How do you not get creeped out while building? lol

I am not going to lie. I swear some like secret update happened where creepy stuff happens in that environment type. There has been a couple of times where I heard planting noise when I just standing there, the spawn sound when I didn't die, and someone planting a brick when I am doing nothing. I have no bots spawned too. And it has happened frequently to where I have actually check the player list and traveled through the entire build once or twice to see if any bots were spawned some how. So, either theirs something actually causing it or I am simply insane lol. Actually, it is kind like 50/50 when I build. Sometimes its a normal environment and sometimes that one.

I am not going to lie. I swear some like secret update happened where creepy stuff happens in that environment type. There has been a couple of times where I heard planting noise when I just standing there, the spawn sound when I didn't die, and someone planting a brick when I am doing nothing. I have no bots spawned too. And it has happened frequently to where I have actually check the player list and traveled through the entire build once or twice to see if any bots were spawned some how. So, either theirs something actually causing it or I am simply insane lol. Actually, it is kind like 50/50 when I build. Sometimes its a normal environment and sometimes that one.

I thought I was the only one.