Author Topic: Randomizer DM (Help Needed) [WIP]  (Read 769 times)

Randomizer DM

Zix's randomizer was easily one of my favorite Blockland servers when it was up. Now, I am going to try to bring it back. We haven't started yet, but we will soon.

- The map used in Zix's Randomizer. I think it was called Nickel's construction map.
- Scripting help
- Weapons used in the original server (if it was a pack, let me know)
- Building help (if I can't find Nickel's map)

This is very experimental, so don't get your hopes up. It probably wouldn't be done for a while, so we will keep you posted.

Visolator has the map, and I'm pretty sure he has every weapon from the original.

Visolator has the map, and I'm pretty sure he has every weapon from the original.
That's great do you know how I might be able to get it?