Author Topic: hey guys, can you watch me and my friends' milkshakes?  (Read 3809 times)

fellas, i brought the milkshakes to the yard
oh stuff, here comes The Boys

i want your milkshake drydess

i am the milkshakes please watch me

-Image redacted because of Imgur TOS-
I found a Replacement for the first one. He won't notice, right? Laughs in Rainbow
« Last Edit: March 03, 2018, 03:10:55 PM by Master Matthew² »

*sluuuuuurp again*

mmmm, fruity

hey im back, where did my milkshakes go?

what milkshakes? i haven't seen a milkshake in years

im hongry
Hi hongry. I am the bringer of sandwiches.

Have a sandwich.