Author Topic: (discussion) Did you ever browse through your subscription list on yt ?  (Read 1354 times)

Recently i decided to find a video i found funny and came across a stuff-ton of youtubers i didn't watch for years, due to them uploding once a year or due to disinterest towards their content.

Did this happen to any of you guys ?
« Last Edit: March 19, 2018, 09:59:47 AM by cromartini »

if I lose interest in someone I unsubscribe so no

i'm weird and don't like to be logged in on youtube so not rly
but it is a fun feeling when i remember or come across someone i used to watch and watch their stuff again

I have never used youtube once in my life

The subscriptions feed is the main page I use to browse YouTube: I generally go to /feed/subscriptions directly instead of the homepage

yes, i use it to be early to my subscriptions' new videos without seeing them in my reccomended 8 hours later

The subscriptions feed is the main page I use to browse YouTube: I generally go to /feed/subscriptions directly instead of the homepage
same here
my bookmark for youtube is just the subscriptions page

why bother using the subscribe button if you never look at your subscription feed? wtf

why bother using the subscribe button if you never look at your subscription feed? wtf
well they still show on the homepage and recommendations

well they still show on the homepage and recommendations
no they don't that includes other people and doesn't include some people
why would you ever not look in your sub feed if you use yt lol

coincidentally i looked up a bunch of old youtubers i used to like and most of them are still exactly the same as i remember them. it especially feels weird bc literally the first youtuber i ever regularly watched played games with his family (his kids were like 5 and 8) and now i look at his newer videos and his son's graduating forgetin high school. stuff feels weird lol

no they don't that includes other people and doesn't include some people
why would you ever not look in your sub feed if you use yt lol

coincidentally i looked up a bunch of old youtubers i used to like and most of them are still exactly the same as i remember them. it especially feels weird bc literally the first youtuber i ever regularly watched played games with his family (his kids were like 5 and 8) and now i look at his newer videos and his son's graduating forgetin high school. stuff feels weird lol
but i do

if I lose interest in someone I unsubscribe so no
i should probably start doing this tbh

bump, modified the name cause i replaces subscription feed for subscription list due to my yt being on my mother tongue instead of it being in english.