Author Topic: fxDtsBrick::getExposedArea() always returns 0  (Read 2736 times)

Basically all of the getExposedArea functions I call on a brick return 0, implying that the brick has every face completely covered when they are not. I'm making an add-on that coverts groups of bricks to a single BLB and I'm trying to find out which faces of a brick are covered so I can hide them and allow the player to have more bricks converted without using up as much Quads.

I really don't want to reinvent the wheel and calculate this manually.

I found a similar topic from 2011 with no conclusion

These functions only work on the client side (ghosted bricks in ServerConnection) since coverage is not computed for server sided ones.

These functions only work on the client side (ghosted bricks in ServerConnection) since coverage is not computed for server sided ones.
I guess that makes sense. Now that I'm thinking about it there's no reason I can't make the entire mod generate .blb's client sided (with culling) and serversided without culling. Maybe in the future I'll calculate it manually on the serverside.

Wait, if it's only for the client side, how can you get the brick ID in the first place?

Wait, if it's only for the client side, how can you get the brick ID in the first place?

Wait, if it's only for the client side, how can you get the brick ID in the first place?
How do you think saving works?