Author Topic: I just like to point out the option to have big avatars was here forever  (Read 2788 times)

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I think Hulk Hogan's posts would be pushed to the side because of how long his name is, but since SMF2, his name just goes over his post

It still looks weird, but it doesn't break the formatting anymore

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I think Hulk Hogan's posts would be pushed to the side because of how long his name is, but since SMF2, his name just goes over his post

It still looks weird, but it doesn't break the formatting anymore
It happens because I have the chaddest name on the forum brother HH

Other than page stretching, nothing, but having someone's post pushed toward the right because they have a big avatar would be disorienting and break the formatting of threads
oh, i understand now, then why not make it so one's large profile pic only affects his own posts rather than the entire thread

What do you mean no one can have avatars? Can no one change them at all?

What do you mean no one can have avatars? Can no one change them at all?
not for custom avatars; the only avatars available are the default ones

oh, i understand now, then why not make it so one's large profile pic only affects his own posts rather than the entire thread
Long names or large avatars would only affect that person's post, not the whole thread