Author Topic: Blockassic Park - A Jurassic Park Parody.  (Read 3007 times)

You should change the title to Jurassic Block, sounds more appealing and fits the tune better than "Blockassic Park"
The main reason why I named it Blockassic Park instead of Jurassic Block is two reasons.
  • There was a topic that used it. It would more imply it's a restarting of the project that I have no involvement in. Imagine if I did a Star Wars parody and named it Block Wars before the new version. It would overlap and cause confusion.
  • Blockassic Park would work better if we will or plan to get to Jurassic World. How would you name the new trilogy with Jurassic Block?
The name also would be confused with Minecraft related videos as I googled it. Blockassic Park isn't taken and would probably show up in google results at the top. It's better to stand out than be buried by other non-related projects with that name.