Author Topic: [gaming news] TOW and BL3 epic exclusives.  (Read 1107 times)

the outer worlds and the borderlands 3 are now epic store exclusives.

Fans everywhere are pissed

I sense a disturbance in the force

Why dont devs just put it on both at same time?

probably not the devs decision
maybe it's the publisher choosing which platform?

probably not the devs decision
maybe it's the publisher choosing which platform?
This, and the fact that Epic are signing exclusivity deals, probably meaning they give them a good chunk of money to do so.

i think its because lots of people dont trust epic games after people started saying "uuuu they're stealing yer steam info 'n stuff"

epic games actually followed me while i toured the himalayas just to sign an exclusivity deal, can you believe them? the audacity, and they think they know you!

I would use Epic Games Store if it didn't hog a forgetton of CPU and Ram, it got more slow once they "overhauled" it by using web browser to render stuff. I wouldn't mind buying stuff if the website allowed me to change my account from using a email and use token 2fa instead of email 2fa.