Author Topic: nix's neighborhood oddities  (Read 993 times)

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after exploring my neighborhood for a few weeks i can confirm that my neighborhood is loving weird
i've stumbled upon so many weird things just by driving on the streets, just in the neighborhood alone there's so much weird stuff that i might as well make a nice thread

mysterious empty lot on street

i dont know who owns this lot or why, but it's completely empty. no grass, the only thing on it is a single tree and the whole lot is surrounded by fence. it has a mailbox and a gate at the front, and it goes in pretty damn far.

da lake

this pond isnt very remarkable but on the path to it theres some weird ass trees

tree 1 is split in half vertically somehow and tree 2 is stripped of its bark

any explanations? will update with any other weird finds

nix be livin in the exclusion zone

no offense but like alotta these things are normal

like have u never gone outside this is just normal nature things

you dont see me talking about my conspiracy theory neighbor or the one neighbor who has a weird noise ringing every time you walk past it

first three photos is some guys farm that he isn't using

lakes pretty cool

tree split because it was either old as stuff or was heavy as stuff and couldn't hold itself

last tree is just termites

I have triangulated the location of 'Nix the Glaceon'. Sending Deathsquads..

Bro like that is the same stuff I had in my neighborhood, minus like the weird ghetto section.
I did get shot at once while trying to pet some cows in a pasture I discovered.

Looks around the same as where I live; pretty sure the empty lot is an unused space for crops. Note how the weeds are growing in vague lines. This whole things seems to just be different pictures of unkempt properties

gonna drive tomorrow to take pics of a weird and stupidly designed driveway; the driveway leads directly into a telephone pole so if you drive straight you crash into it

post pic of that one neighbor with an old audi or it didn't happen

gonna drive tomorrow to take pics of a weird and stupidly designed driveway; the driveway leads directly into a telephone pole so if you drive straight you crash into it
thats just what happens when you dont pay attention to where you're building stuff in simcity 4