Author Topic: The Ink Spots ANGRY RANT!!!!!  (Read 1178 times)

hey you.
yeah, you.
you've played fallout, right? you've at least heard this song once

click me!

and even if you haven't, you've probably heard a song that sounds EXACTLY LIKE IT.
Every song ever concieved by these hack frauds is near THE SAME. SAME STRUCTURE. SAME GENERAL LYRICS. SAME stuffTY LOW VOICE ABOUT 30-60 SECONDS IN, SAME loving CHORDS I am at my LIMIT with these guys if the next fallout game (god forbid) uses one of their songs i will be BAFFLED at this point they're running out of songs to use they'll have to make their OWN hack fraud variant of the same ooey gooey i wuv u lyrics with some deep baritone voiced man reassuring said things with no sense of musical rhythm. he sounds like a loving STONE. a ROCK. CHRIST.
I LOATHE them.
with every fiber of my being this fire will burn BRIGHT until the ends of the Earth, my final words as the sun engulfs the boulder we call our home, "I loving hate The Ink Spots".
as I am surrounded in hellfire as the demons of hell RISE from the ashes of our battered and blighted earth, my final mutterings, "The Ink Spots are fraudulent stuffheads" as I am quickly encased within hot brimstone and peat.

AKA How To Make Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars in The Roaring 30's
idk how much they made but to be honest it was too much considering the material

start yourself off with a nice and simple slow swing tempo in triplets. make a sort of audio staircase idk how to describe it.
have the lowest note raise up by one key every time you repeat it until you reach the end repeat. like so:

Starting a Satanic Ritual

Next up, you're going to want to do some stuffty riff around the second repeat or so. something that would probably sound better if part of literally anything else. also enhance bass with some other deep instrument, with a picked upright bass or something. same notes same feel.

My Metamorphosis Begins

and if you're not happy with the key, literally put it into any other key and it'll sound """"fine"""" and you can recycle this to the end of your time

Part 3, make up some lovey dovey lyrics about how much you love/miss/want this girl. not writing these I couldn't be bothered lul.

Part 4, when you're absolutely done with all of these, REPEAT THEM AGAIN except make the lyrics like, read to you by some monotonic deep voiced dude. think Vin Diesel or something, like just some dude with absolutely no idea how to make music. just have him read it like it's a book.

how on Jod's green earth did these guys become popular again please refresh my memory it's the same recycled monotoned kermit the frog sounding motherforgeters with the same notes same lyrics same base same just AUGH I HATE them.

what were they thinking

Yeaaaah, you hear one you've heard em all. I think they're nice though.

usually musicians will record multiple versions of songs over the same/similar instrumental and release them as bonus tracks. the paradigm of album publishing is that the single will make like 80-90% of the sales for the album, while the rest of the songs on the album will just be fillers or throwaways and basically just be absolute mid. the people that do stay to listen to the rest of the album are probably diehard fans and are already there to hear more of their artist, even if its just repetitive and unoriginal
« Last Edit: July 23, 2020, 11:42:56 PM by PhantOS »

These guys were from the 1930's. You kind of just have to find a sound and not stray from it.

This man thinks We'll Meet Again was by the ink spots. What a chud

This man thinks We'll Meet Again was by the ink spots. What a chud
if someone sings an elvis song over the super mario theme i'm still going to think it's the mario song shut the forget up

Yeah you got a point but I don’t mind them as much as Connie Allen - Rocket 69 and Wynonie Harris - Grandma plays the numbers, those are repetitive as hell and don’t even stay on key as much as the Ink Spots do

if someone sings an elvis song over the super mario theme i'm still going to think it's the mario song shut the forget up
super mario get cancer you forgetin street chimp

blue moon is the best song in fallout

this is the case with a LOT of music from that era. id give you an example but i dont know them from the top of my head.

you aint nothin but a koopa flyin all the time
choke on my busted wrinkly ball skin