Author Topic: Hype for Cyberpunk is now dead  (Read 895 times)

I will no longer follow this game until they release it, whenever that time actually comes

Cyberpunk won't release until 2077

that wasn't very kenau wholesome 100 big reddit gold chungus of you :panda:

forget Cyperpunk brother!!

Chill man it's just 21 more days. Go play Deus Ex, Shadowrun or even the newly released Cloudpunk for the meanwhile.

E.Y.E will remain the superior cyberpunk game when CP2077 comes out

E.Y.E will remain the superior cyberpunk game when CP2077 comes out
some dude in eye bribed me not to kill him and then i immediately killed him after i got the money (Fire!)

cyberpunk the modern star citizen??? probably not but still

hypberpunk 2077?
hypernatepunk 2077?
It was gonna be 1 day from my birthday as well :(

It was gonna be 1 day from my birthday as well :(
its now 2 from mine