Author Topic: Iron Man - The Game  (Read 1464 times)

Finally, a game based off a movie that doesn't suck a full 100%! This game only sucks a 25%! :D

Just before you buy, know this:
-Bad voice acting, no matter how HD your audio can get, Tony Stark won't sound like the Robert Downey Jr. he is. :(
-Odd graphics on the PC, playing it right now. Some people look odd, like Obediah doesn't even have his beard. No wait, it's there, it's just barely VISIBLE. WTF?
-It's REALLY different from the PC and consoles. Consoles have more control of stuff and actually looks prettier (Bloom, more space to fly around, and the icons of stuff don't look like stuff).

I like it, but it needs work.

Possibly the first game of a movie I might even consider playing for even a second.

The Harry Potter GBC games weren't bad. :/ But they were based more on the books.

All movie games suck, and all game movies suck. Book movie games suck.

Fly around you say? So is this game somewhat free roaming like the spiderman series?

Fly around you say? So is this game somewhat free roaming like the spiderman series?
No, not really.

You have to do specific objectives, but you can still fly around in open air areas. Not in buildings, of course. You can hover where ever you want, but you can't fly in buildings.

I <3 shooping with my Unibeam. That's right, if you transfer all your power to the weapons, then you will be able to FIRE YOUR LAZER with that heart thingamajiggy. Oh, and you can use any Iron Man suit in existence once you unlock them all.

Pretty sick, might get it for PSP.

I really enjoyed the first two Spider-man games.

The Iron Man game is no exception to all other movie games, it sucks. Here is the gamespot review:;reviews

Movie Games ALWAYS suck because all they are, are corporate Ventures to rip money from children.

I never trust reviews unless EVERYONE says it sucks. You only know if you've actually played it or not.

I honestly like the game. It's not half bad.

Possibly the first game of a movie I might even consider playing for even a second.

Also: so i herd u can custumise ur armer in taht gaem.

i got da demo on xbox 360
its boring as forget
and yes, you could customize the armor but there are no cosmetic change

Oh so basically its:

"Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his power level?"
"It's over NINE THOUSAAAAAAAND!" (Over 9000)

Meaning that you can customize how strong it is and stuff.