random thing said to me

Author Topic: random thing said to me  (Read 5563 times)

your not bi.
just another kid who wants to be as different as possible, to justify to himself why he don't feel accepted in school.
and now this thread's only purpose, is for you to have a chance to bring it up. because its not enough you think your different now, you need to pride over it.
Ive seen this sad game played time and time again by troubled kids. its really pretty pathetic.

and naming yourself emo don't help you one bit, your either NOT emo, but like the bi thing; need it to help your identity.or you ARE emo, and just haven't written any gay poems for us yet.

omd really? i'm bi.
i would even go as far as to say, that a "real" bi person would not have said that.
other-loveual people that need to always tell others  how gay or bi they are are extremely uncomfortable with themselves for it.
something a real gay or bi person wouldn't be.

your goal of this thread you made:
A) you want pity acceptance for that self esteem you lack in life.
           -this is what i think, why i will give you so much crap on everything you post in this forum from now on. lame forgeter
B) you want to try and shock us with your lifestyle.
           -this crap is for your parents and your priest. we have the internet, some crying boy don't impress/shock/interest us

QFT no one is really Bi

Bisjac summed it up. And you also got owned.

Don't care if you like it or not, this sums up everything im trying to say to you all.


I have heard that most emos are bi.  Btw do you cut yourself?

I have heard that most emos are bi.  Btw do you cut yourself?
Yay for stereotyping!  :cookieMonster:

I have heard that most emos are bi.  Btw do you cut yourself?
Yay for stereotyping!  :cookieMonster:
lol captmeat i seem to always be quoteing you lately because of the awesomeness of your posts :O