Author Topic: My Pixel Creations  (Read 2725 times)

I made SO Far Is

Happy (rleay happy :D)

It's not even close to pixel. It's just five minute drawn MSPaint crap.

Don't even say "oh you do better"

I guess you used MSpaint (  2nd post ): )

Look! faces i made ages ago and will never use!

ignore the water mark, I just don't want you stealing it.

See? everyone does better then your low quality rubbish, mr Mario.

No he is MariovsMortalKombat. The guy who likes the second most gay band in the world, Green Day. The first being The Backstreet Boys.

No he is MariovsMortalKombat. The guy who likes the second most gay band in the world, Green Day. The first being The Backstreet Boys.

fallacy of relevance dude, targeting the speaker rather than the true issue, which is how lame his creation was.