Author Topic: How would I get BF2 with only a code?  (Read 1326 times)

I was given codes for BF2 and BF2SF by someone, but I don't have the discs. Is it possible to get the game without the discs?

Just torrent. I wouldn't consider this illegal since you got the key and don't intend to crack it.
If it is then tell me before reporting. I see nothing wrong with him downloading it and using his won key.

Also, I lost my BF2 key, and they told me in order to get a new one I have to ship them my disc :(

I was given codes for BF2 and BF2SF by someone, but I don't have the discs. Is it possible to get the game without the discs?
google it im sure you can download it somewhere!

But if I torrent, I risk getting viruses. Last summer, I got bored and torrented a bunch of stuff and forgeted up my computer.

But if I torrent, I risk getting viruses. Last summer, I got bored and torrented a bunch of stuff and forgeted up my computer.

Tech support lets you get another key if you have the original CD but you have to ship it to them.

It'd be cooler and easier to do a video call and show them the key :(

oh wait you have the key but you need the CD...
Can't help you.

But if I torrent, I risk getting viruses. Last summer, I got bored and torrented a bunch of stuff and forgeted up my computer.
Avast on-access scanner ftw.

Isn't this topic breaking like all the rules of this particular board?

Read the topic and the rules dumbass.  Torrenting isn't always illegal.

Just torrent. I wouldn't consider this illegal since you got the key and don't intend to crack it.
If it is then tell me before reporting. I see nothing wrong with him downloading it and using his won key.

Also, I lost my BF2 key, and they told me in order to get a new one I have to ship them my disc :(

You can do that? Yay BF2142 again.

Eh, I stopped playing BF2142 because it keeps disconnecting me from servers. But, I gained like, 5 ranks by camping in an AA gun on a Titan and unlocked 4 items: Advanced Med hub, defibs, grenades, and the AR-shotgun.

You can do that? Yay BF2142 again.
Yes but why would you be willing to ship them the disc.
They're gonna have to ship it back, too and stuff might happen to it, not to mention that if they never receive then you pretty much lost your disc because they aren't responsible for any mailing issues.