Author Topic: Making looped events  (Read 824 times)

Is it possible to set looped events...and if after you set a event you simply add a relay to repeat the event?

onrelay - self - do something
onrelay - firerelay
on activate - firerelay

example ( sory if its not right, ive only just started using relays )

lay down a brick. and begin eventing, like this:

0   On Activate-->named brick--> fire relay
100   On relay-->named brick--> chandge colour--> red

200   On relay-->named brick-->change colour-->green

300   On relay-->named brick-->change colour-->blue

400   On relay-->named brick--> fire relay

and then when you click the brick the colour will change red, then green, then blue, and then start repeating.

and there ya go! :D

onrelay - self - do something
onrelay - firerelay
on activate - firerelay
I put it as...
onActivate - self - fireRelay
onRelay - self - fireRelay
onRelay - self - OUTPUT

I like putting onActivate on top, it feels right to me :o

Okay..thanks a lot guys! :D

Its fun to go on to stuffty freebuilds, make something... good enough, then in the map place little sound players everywhere.

Set it to 30000 and have fun =] (so everyone in the server leaves from sore eardrums >=D)