Author Topic: Clan [TE] Team Earth  (Read 886 times)

One of the main reasons I bought Blockland was being able to create massive builds with other people online. So naturally this became a little disorganized. The purpose of this clan was to create an organized building group to get together, socialize and of course, build together. This clan focuses on large community builds.

So you want to join Team Earth?
Good, but first you must submit an application. In it, there must be an acknowledgment that you can be trusted in participating in a large community build, as well as a decent build. You must also post your BL ID. Your build will be voted on by the members of the clan. The build must be over 1000 bricks. Do not ask to load an app on a [TE] server.
Inactive members will be kicked.
Server Rules

  • Do not fill the server with crappy builds. These will get deleted.
  • No random trust invites. This will result in a kick
  • Arguments will be settled with an admin.
  • Do not come to the server to bitch at each other. These people will be banned.
  • Please delete your vehicle spawns before leaving the server.
  • Do not come to the server in a bad mood.

Admins may enforce "Common Blockland Etiquette" rules not listed here.

We now have a Steam Group!
You will receive notifications to go to the server if you are a member of the group.You don't have to be in the clan to be part of the group. I urge other Blockland clans to also make their own Steam group.
The URL is

  • Toadzard (3272)

None so far.

We're always taking new members!

« Last Edit: November 19, 2008, 08:13:35 PM by Toadzard »

Updated join guidelines.

Rule Suggestion: Critisizing must be contructive.

Rule Suggestion: Critisizing must be contructive.

That's more of a Gallery rule, don't you think?