Author Topic: So called, "Server Abuse."  (Read 3509 times)

You're kidding me, right?
I don't see your point. Are you saying nitpicking makes you an internet tough guy?

What's that Lassie? Timmy nitpickedfell down the well?Thus you are saying yours is better.

You have to understand that this is biased. I.e.(that is) you are only asking the people in your server, and they are there because they don't want to be in Jorgur's. So you are specifically asking only the people who like yours better, thus you are rigging the poll, thus you are personally saying that yours is better.

Lol. Wow. You assume too much.

Lol. Wow. You assume too much.
Well then, tell me,
Did you ask anyone who wasn't in your server about what they thought of your dogfight?

If "no", or "yes, but not many", then your results are biased heavily towards your ego.

Once again a pointless rant the belongs in the drama section.

Arguing with Maximum is like throwing stuff at a wall. What you're left with is not pleasant, and it does not help anything.

I don't get why people can't ban for good reasons. I've seen people get banned just for jetting near a build.

I find arguing is pointless when I know I'm right.

One handicapped person is one thing. I should have never underestimated the handicapation of one big group of handicaps. Arguing with you starfishs is like arguing with a cow about how much methane gas it produces...

If you're making a point of acting in such a way that the people in your server say you are cheating in the minigame, it can't be much fun.

If you're making a point of acting in such a way that the people in your server say you are cheating in the minigame, it can't be much fun.

What? F8ing back and fourth out of the mini-game to fix the variables on the two roofs? That's not cheating.

If you explain what you're doing there's no problem. If you just appear to be warping around and killing everyone left and right then it is cheating.

admin, the other team's weapons, how the forts are different
If you're deliberately unbalancing these things in your favour it is a problem. Usually this ends up as the host setting team leader weapons much better than anyone else's and giving themselves leader because they feel like it. While you may not personally care about fixing them, if you want people to stay in your server and actually have some fun you should try for some relative balance between the teams.


  • Administrator
Wow, what an starfish. 

He is Maximum/Alex0218 so he is now re-banned.  Funny how people like this can't hide - they always reveal themselves by their behavior.  It's not like they slip up and get banned for one mistake, they do the same damn thing over and over again.  Some people are just broken.

Alex0218: research link spammer
Brickmaker: PLAZ

Wow and ppl Complain about Me XD. You can end up abusing your server you know. So many ways i cant explain.

Abusive admins are stupid.  They don't realize that these are acutal people they are playing with and that their actions can still have repercussions within the community.  They believe that they can do what they want because it is their server.  While this is true, it is extremely pathetic to run on the "I'm admin so I can do what I want" mentality.  Basicly, the only thing worse than a noob is a noob in power.  They are loving friends.