Author Topic: Forget about 2012, were gonna die this november!  (Read 7509 times)

All these "clairvoyants" end up accomplishing is making themselves look like an utter tool.

40,000 - Also known as the Year 40k - Humankind is now an interstellar empire lead by the Holy God-Emperor of Mankind.

My thoughts exactly.

Well this is poo, but this would be fun 2271 – Restart physical constants are changed. (Laws of physics changed?).

Am i right?

Well this is poo, but this would be fun 2271 – Restart physical constants are changed. (Laws of physics changed?).

Am i right?

 Gods all "forget this... Humans can fly at will."

stuffstorm warning for the Off-Topic thread until forever.

This is damn bull, nobody can predict anything. Not even the end of the world or a loving nuclear fallout.

if we were to got to war with Russia in November it would end in October because we would just nuke Russia then they would return the favor.

stuffstorm warning for the Off-Topic thread until forever.

This is damn bull, nobody can predict anything. Not even the end of the world or a loving nuclear fallout.

 When you dream you unconscious touches the thread of time, and the magic shnizz pickle tells you the future.

I don't know if you saw, but:
2164 – Animals turn half-human.
They're the gay people of the future :D

 Animals evolve? Create a language? Make fire? Sweet, we have friends now! :D

 ...And Humans will do it with the other species, and they will do it with the Humans... Sweet Science! Its a love paradox!
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 12:06:23 PM by Riot »

if we were to got to war with Russia in November it would end in October because we would just nuke Russia then they would return the favor.
Learn the rules of U.N.

2164 – Animals turn half-human.

Furries :D

believe it or not
that was the first game i ever played lol

but what if we can fly, no one but magicians have triggered its power