Author Topic: Dominator(ID 6338) Event abuse  (Read 1166 times)

Everybody is doing normal stuff, leaving their forts and ramming people with planes. Then Dominator makes some sort of event that when you say a command, something happens without touching a brick. Examples:

Fort (whenever hes falling from his broken plane or in a dangerous situation he teleports right back to his base and starts over)
Beacon (spawns an air strike beacon every time he says it)

He has many others which I never figured out because the server lag-crashed after he used the event to mass-spawn tons of Heavy RL shells... Everyone else on the server tried similar stuff, didn't work. So using Scout31's poorly chosen server events, he ruined (and broke) the game for everyone.


He must be good with events.

He must be good with events.
Yes. Which sucks. If he can do it, everyone else should know how to do it

Yes. Which sucks. If he can do it, everyone else should know how to do it
Come to my server and I'll teach you event abuse. JesusFish's Freebuild

Haha, it's a fort war. I didn't see any rules there.

Fort (whenever hes falling from his broken plane or in a dangerous situation he teleports right back to his base and starts over)
Beacon (spawns an air strike beacon every time he says it)

Giving people a wrench is a really good idea in a DM? Along with allowing them to event?...

He used relays+variables to do this. I remember back when [HB] was around someone made an app where everytime you clicked AT ALL, not neccesarily on the brick, it would send you flying into the air after spawning a jeep explosion around you.

onActivate > Self > FireRelay
onRelay > Self > ifPlayerLastMessage = Teleport
VariableTrue > namedBrick(Brick) > SetplayerTransform
onRelay > Self > fireRelay
VariableTrue > Self > Cancelevents

onActivate > Self > FireRelay
onRelay > Self > ifPlayerLastMessage = Teleport
VariableTrue > namedBrick(Brick) > SetplayerTransform
onRelay > Self > fireRelay
VariableTrue > Self > Cancelevents


Code: [Select]
OnActivate > Self > FireRelay
OnActivate > Self > VarModify > Cake == 1
OnRelay > Self > FireRelay
OnRelay > Self > IfPlayerLastMessage > Fort
OnRelay > Self > IfPlayerLastMessage2 > Beacon
OnRelay > Self > IfVar3 > Cake == 1
VariableTrue > Self > SetPlayerTransform > Relative [] []
VariableTrue2 > Player > Additem > Airstrike Beacon
VariableTrue3 > Player > AddHealth > 200


Dominator's an idiot in general: Yesterday for example he IRC spammed me saying "Hi Roblox noob", even though I have never played roblox and never met this cretin beofre. When I /ignored him he then went onward to get temporarily muted by Blockbot after spamming that over the main channel.

And trolling, don't forget trolling.

That can be done with the VCE easily.