Author Topic: Regarding Naps  (Read 2923 times)

You should try the caffeine patch, you can stay awake for days, with no side affects!

Didn't a recent study prove napping was actually unhealthy?

Didn't a recent study prove napping was actually unhealthy?
I ... uhhh... cannot believe that until I see it.
Its a bit of a stretch.

My pillow is full of crusted saliva.
I know, it's disgusting to sleep on.
I have over active salivary glands.

Naps make me all sweaty.

Creepything: If I take naps around other people I can recall all the conversations everyone had around me even though I was asleep

I never nap. I just go to sleep at 12 am.

The last time I took a nap, I went to sleep on 7 PM, and woke up at 9 PM thinking it was 9 AM of the next day.

I hate naps. If I take one, when I wake up I feel all weirded out like it's the next day. Then when I realize it isn't, I feel like I missed out on the day :/

I like naps.
Besides the fact I fell asleep during class twice and almost got detention..