Author Topic: Therapy.  (Read 1422 times)

loving hate it. Its weird as stuff talking to some dumbass about why I'm so damn depressed, and they act like they know exactly how I feel.

I'm not even going for any reason other than for the therapist to tell me 'k, stop br0. u can do dis 2 stawp cuttin' and stuff like that. My parents could tell me alternatives to cutting, I don't need some moron who gets payed for it.

[/short rant]


I've been to therapy.

Get good therapist.

So tell your therapist.
See their reaction. You aren't insane.

I've been to therapy.

Get good therapist.

My therapists name is Darlene. Its hard as forget to talk to someone with a name that loving stupid.

Also, Nym, I'm too young to take pills for it.

Maybe you shouldn't cut yourself

Also, Nym, I'm too young to take pills for it.
You're too young to be that depressed as well... :(

Maybe you shouldn't cut yourself

Maybe I shouldn't either, but its more of an addiction now.

Yes, its possible. The feeling, or, release, of it is addictive.
You're too young to be that depressed as well... :(

I've never heard of anyone that was depressed that is my age or younger.

I guess I'm just loving weird. Apparently, my parents are also going to see if I am officially bipolar, like my father, officially because I'm pretty damn sure I am.

Chriz, you should cut someone else.


The rapist

OH stuff

Chriz, you should cut someone else.

Perhaps someone like you.

Be right back everyone.  :cookieMonster:

The rapist

OH stuff

I wish there was such existence as a female rapist.

I don't know about others, but if I can admit my problem/addiction, I can get rid of it myself as well. :o

This is just great, literally. I have to go this time, but I can choose to stop going. If the problem gets worse, then I'll go again.

My depression got to the point where I commited a felony out of rage. Try prosac, it helped.