Author Topic: Clan [C] Colleagues  (Read 192611 times)

That's probably just the library computer.
I'm home.

Anyways, I just basically finished the road designs and I'll start the layout tomorrow. By this weekend, we should officially have a holiday town community build up and running. It's basically just going to be houses, but I intend on having a small convenient store on a corner or something.

The server is up and the wintry neighborhood is running! Building is open to the entire community, and the purpose of this build is to just have fun with it!

Theme: Wintry Neighborhood. Build a house and add snow detailing to simulate the dead of winter!

Server name: Drake's [C] X-mas Village

Rules: Building your house along the street. Any very poorly built houses will be destroyed, and any builds not along the roads will be destroyed. Constant building away from the neighborhood and roads results in a ban.

This is not the dedicated server, as it does not have the bricks required that I am using. Very soon we will be shifting the entire build to the dedicated, but for it's just on a regular server.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2011, 06:43:38 AM by Soviet »

can i build a house as an app

nop, only mansions allowed
well forget YOU


well forget YOU

when you post a picture of it call it an IMAGEshack


when you post a picture of it call it an IMAGEshack

I demand a moment of my life back from reading your signature. I don't know what possessed me to believe that something worthwhile would be at the next number...

I demand a moment of my life back from reading your signature. I don't know what possessed me to believe that something worthwhile would be at the next number...
When I first saw it, I literally was in tears laughing. Now I can't even play anymore... :<

Can you make the dedi server the neighborhood build

Very soon we will be shifting the entire build to the dedicated, but for now it's just on a regular server.

Currently, the village is on the dedicated! Stop by anytime and build your home!

Currently, the village is on the dedicated! Stop by anytime and build your home!
Yeah I saw yours.. right where my building used to be >:P

Will build something after PC gets back from repairs.