Author Topic: What happens to the school girl?  (Read 121642 times)

Her video gets removed for containing rape, then youtube comes off the screen and rapes her.

She leaves the house, after getting raped by the door, and then tries to find her twin sister.

She finds her twin sister's twin sister, who after seriously considering raping her finally decided that not raping was fine.

However, because her twin sister has really long hair, her hair rapes the school girl.

After that, the school girl forgot her purpose in finding her twin sister, so decided that eating her head was the best option. After eating her twin sister's head, her twin sister got angry and raped her.

The raping was interrupted by the man who looked in the mirror.

She then lived a record 24 hours with no rape occuring.

She walks to her bed, which rapes her.

On her bed, was a "Where's Waldo?" book.

She opened it up to the first page, and tried to look for Waldo.

Waldo found her first, and raped her.

Then God a wizard appearified in front of her bed and rode her like a mechanical bull for 4 hours straight.

Then every piece of matter, energy, antimatter, vacuum, and the entire space-time continuum raped her for eternity.

Really guys? 5 goddamn pages of this? It kinda got old around page 1.

Really guys? 5 goddamn pages of this? It kinda got old around page 1.
She was then raped by a red flying devil blockhead.

Then she went to the Blockland forums and saw this topic and...