Author Topic: Whatever, I give.  (Read 4339 times)

I'm now that giant stuffhole everyone hates, hello, I'm balshakaan, hate me like every other loving assrichard in the forums?

I didn't know you, but just because you made this topic I now hate you.

Good, I'll build my reputation to be the worst on the forums, if thats how you all want it.

Now you're just a weak motherforgeter. Who obviously wants sympathy/forgiveness. Which is bannable.
So bye.

Good, I'll build my reputation to be the worst on the forums, if thats how you all want it.
We want you to screw off and never come back.

Good, I'll build my reputation to be the worst on the forums, if thats how you all want it.
Obvious troll.

But if you're serious, it'll take alot more trolling/spamming to beat someone like Tezuni or Furdle.

You couldn't take the heat.

I don't flame because of hate, but that noobs will cry and leave. And smart people will fix their problems and come out better.

Ok, I'll leave for a week or so, and then only post my FINISHED add-ons, and if I do post anywhere else, nobody should remember me, for all of my topics will be among the thousands of dead topics...
Bye for like, a week!
Got lots of locking to do.

Ok, I'll leave for a week or so, and then only post my FINISHED add-ons, and if I do post anywhere else, nobody should remember me, for all of my topics will be among the thousands of dead topics...
Bye for like, a week!
Got lots of locking to do.
. Do not plea for sympathy
Do not make posts about how you are leaving the forums. Just leave. 

Good, I'll build my reputation to be the worst on the forums, if thats how you all want it.
Reminds you of someone doesn't it?

You know, when RTB forums had that rep system?
Guy who aimed for lowest rep?

That was funny.

Well, I'll live here for awhile, but, I'm not leaving/begging for sympathy, I'm making sympathy!

Well, I'll live here for awhile, but, I'm not leaving/begging for sympathy, I'm making sympathy!
No, by saying "I'm leaving" you basically just said "Ban me".


What does for a week or so mean?
I'm going on a ski trip anyways, and this IS drama, and off-topic, so, see everybody next sunday, wish me happy skiing?