Author Topic: Blockland Clan Manager (v1) - By Darklight and McTwist  (Read 16582 times)

*Please note I did not make this, nor do I have anything to do with its creation, nor do I take any credit for it. Darklight simply gave me the task of posting it, if you have any questions concerning the mod please read as follows. Also Don't PM me about this, or flame me, or anything like that if you aren't completely satisfied with this mod, or the fact that I posted it.*

Why not release on RTB?
The clan manager was rejected by RTB because they are working on their own.  Which I did not know because that was like dead last in the polls, that's why I started this.  But until RTB completes their clan manager (most likely a few months away) you will have this to deal with.  Maybe after enough request to ephi he will accept this on RTB..*hint hint* *cough* :)

How will I deal with updating?
I will let you guys choose how you want the mod to be updated, you can either choose to check this topic, or choose to have it auto update when you launch Blockland.  I know some of you may be scared of having bad code thrown in, but I can assure you I rather not risk my Blockland key just to get revenge on random online people.  Your choices.

Will you continue to work on this mod?
Depends on the ratings, this is only the base of the mod.  I was going to expand it if it was accepted onto RTB.  But if it does good here, then yes, I will continue to expand this mod into something bigger and least until RTB makes their own clan manager.

Who is this aimed at?
This clan manager is currently targeted toward server hosts that run a clan, or host for a clan.  Maybe in a later release I will also target clients also.  But for now, you only really need this if you host a server.

Why use this mod?
This clan manager allows almost complete control over the people that join your server.  You can set required tags, kick fake members, custom spawn message, make server clan only, etc.  The spawn message has special values you can use that you would not be able to use in the welcome message without extra coding.  Everything is controlled from the RTB prefs manager, which makes it quite simple to use.

Now what?
Now this is the part where you decide if you want to use this mod or not, if you do use this mod please post here if you find any bugs, comments are welcome too.  DarkLight will randomly check this topic as he pleases.  Keep in mind, since this is not on RTB you will not be alerted if there is an update, you will need to check this topic either daily or weekly.

Special Spawn Message Options
%1 - Player name
%sn - Server name
%st - Server time
%sd - Server date
%cs - Clan site

Comes with
- Making server clan only.
- Disabling, and enabling spawn message.
- Kick fake clan members.
- Required tag site, example, DNA would be required to be on the left side of your name.
- Setting of clan prefix, and suffix.
- Clan spawn message.
- Setting of path to members file. Default (config/server/ClanMod/members.txt)
- Setting of clan site.

Main Download (FIXED)
« Last Edit: October 02, 2010, 01:48:45 PM by Rykuta »

The clan manager was rejected by RTB because they are working on their own.
Which I'll probably make a better one.

Sounds Hard to Use can we have some pics of it Working?

I'm jealous of kalph's coding skills D:

Sounds Hard to Use can we have some pics of it Working?
It's all in the RTB prefs. What's to show?

Very nice..I like the fact that this improves server-hosting ect. Lets hope this could soon become alot better.. 10/10, Dling and Hope to see some nice stuff from this..

So... How does this work?