Author Topic: Whats the biggest poop you ever made?  (Read 1778 times)

Answer the title name.
I once made one that was 3.5' in Diameter, and 1.5' long, it ripped my starfish and it bled for 2 hours :d

mine can only be measured in fluid ounces

I do hope you meant three and a half inches.

The forget?
Error, invalid format.
mine can only be measured in fluid ounces
I do hope you meant three and a half inches.
Wide yes, long no

I stumbled into the wrong topic. I thought you meant something more under the lines of threadstuffting, but actual deification? We are not monkeys, we do not handle our feces in that manner.

I'm 12 and what is this i dont even..
I started laughing so hard i choked, because im sick with a sore throat.

 About 5 inches long and 1.5 inches thick.

About 5 inches long and 1.5 inches thick.
Lol thats tiny.

Once you'll see it you'll stuff bricks.
... I already did, 3.5" 1.5' remember?

The hell?

I'm sorry, but I don't measure my own stuff.