Author Topic: New Player Type!  (Read 9376 times)

Player Type
2 datablock player type.

This is a No Jet player type with TWO datablocks instead of one! The first datablock is thirdperson. In thirdperson it is TopDown view and you cannot move the camera at all in this view, TopDown view is a view in which you look down upon the player. Now, before you all complain that "TAB DON'T WORK THUS IS BROKE!!!1!111one1!1" It is NOT broken, I just changed the function. Just right click to go to firstperson. In first person, you CAN move the camera! Inorite? AMAZING!

« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 11:07:19 PM by Butler »

Does nobody like to post?

It's OKAY, I guess.

But there really is no point to this.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2010, 09:28:11 PM by Bicko »

Why would you change the function to go into first person view?  Now when I jet it will be going back and forth from first person to top down view.

Why would you change the function to go into first person view?  Now when I jet it will be going back and forth from first person to top down view.
You can't jet in this playertype.

I should add that in there..

I honestly thought this would be more popular.

I honestly thought this would be more popular.
I didn't even download it because I have no idea what it does.
You describe it horribly.

So basically you took the Topdown playertype and added the function to switch to normal view?

I didn't even download it because I have no idea what it does.
You describe it horribly.
You have a point.

So basically you took the Topdown playertype and added the function to switch to normal view?
Basically, Yes.

I honestly thought this would be more popular.
Meh. I know how you feel.
I though everyone would love my prototype player but, *sigh*.


Playertypes aren't so exciting unless it's a whole new model