Author Topic: I've found the boomer before he got infected.  (Read 1922 times)

Hope you're not eating anything when you click it.
You didn't post anything.

It's now proven Boomers were once frat boys.

You didn't post anything.

Accidentally hit post when I was pasting the link.

He Should Really Stop Typing Like This. :/

I've found the boner before it got infected.
is what I saw for a second.

Hey, this looks like one of the douches at my school. Hi Carlos!

He is also a Rap Legend.
Too bad that isn't a rap and it's just music added to the original video :V This guy is hilarious.


Too bad that isn't a rap and it's just music added to the original video

Isn't that what rap is? Just people talking (Sometimes rhyming) with some music in the background?

Looks pretty infected to me.