Author Topic: Legalizing Marijuana, how and why.  (Read 2659 times)

Except for the part about diverting the billions wasted enforcing anti-marijuana laws to useful purposes and the additional revenue from taxes on it. 

Nobody can afford any extra, unnecessary taxes. Other than that though, the government can go forget themselves on the issue.  :cookieMonster:

Nobody can afford any extra, unnecessary taxes. Other than that though, the government can go forget themselves on the issue.  :cookieMonster:
Nobody pays cigarette taxes if they don't buy cigarettes. Nobody pays alcohol taxes if they don't buy alcohol. Nobody would pay marijuana taxes if they didn't buy marijuana.

yummerz is most likely trolling again

salvia and ocean breeze are legal here in Minnesota lol.

pot is the cigarette smoke

Its like this.

I am a Type-1 diabetic. I spend $800 monthly on testing supplies, insulin, and such. If there ever was to be a cure, I don't think they would ever release it. They're making billions off of the supplies they sell. If they did release the cure, they'd stop making money; thus giving them the reason not to release a cure.
"Let's not cure a disease that millions of people have."

The government isn't cold-blooded.

Salvia is stupid stuff.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the overwhelming majority of diabetes cases a result of poor lifestyle choices? Type II, the kind brought on by eating 50,000 calories worth of sugars a day.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 08:11:08 PM by Otis Da HousKat »

I was just talking about it and here are my points, you can figure out my position yourself kthx:
-Has more cancer causing agents in it than cigarettes
-If it's legal, sure it'll cause less killing by other people, but you're only going to kill yourself. Why? Read my next points:
-No filter. The smoke is worse than it is for you than it is from cigarettes, tar or no tar.
-Drugs are drugs. You can be high illegally or high legally, doesn't make a difference if you're going to get arrested for it or not, and if you try to compensate for this by pulling that stupid "WELL BEER IS LEGAL WHY CAN'T THIS BE" well you can forget off. Why is this? Because beer doesn't pollute the environment with smoke emissions. Beer doesn't turn into ashes. But hey, I guess they are similar in one way, they both get you intoxicated, which can lead to dangerous things. Even if you say you can regulate it,  it doesn't matter if you can regulate it. It matters if that stupid forget who rammed himself into a pole because of it can regulate it. There are good drinkers, and bad drinkers, just as there are good smokers, and bad smokers.
Too bad there's people who make bad choices, such as the choice of legalizing a dangerous drug.

By the way, seeing as those 5 replies were just posted, no matter how you put it this is going to end up harming everyone in some way or another.

heart disease, and diabetes are just from being fat.
easily avoidable.

i wouldn't be surprised if half the cancers people can get are caused by weight problems.

I can legally have weed. Also JD has some really stupid ass reasons and most of them are lies they told him in 6th grade.

heart disease, and diabetes are just from being fat.
easily avoidable.

i wouldn't be surprised if half the cancers people can get are caused by weight problems.

You suck it sideways. That's Type-2. Type-1 is from pancreas complications.

Yep but I don't see somehow magically getting rid of all of the other reasons is too easy, now is it Bisjac? ;D

Holy stuff these replies and this slow internet. FFFFUUUU-

I can legally have weed.

heart disease, and diabetes are just from being fat.
easily avoidable.

i wouldn't be surprised if half the cancers people can get are caused by weight problems.
Too much body fat forgets with so much of your body. Every system becomes stressed out. Your immune system is horribly weakened.

I can legally have weed. Also JD has some really stupid ass reasons and most of them are lies they told him in 6th grade.
First I read the first part.
Then I read the second part.

Not only is the second part incorrect to begin with, but after reading that first part I just ignored your statement because you have positively no reason to care if you
can legally have weed

lol people get so mad when you dont accept that "genes" magically excuse people from taking care of themselves.

Just for the record, I don't generally give a stuff but I simply wanted to throw a few facts around. It's nothing that personally effects me, so I want to save you some time for attempting to debate with me because it's not really going to get anything through to me so please don't waste your time. I attempted to be polite there, it's not some sarcastic remark. :)