Author Topic: Legalizing Marijuana, how and why.  (Read 2656 times)

Some sources for your facts might be nice.

Welp, I'm lazy. I might humor you but as I previously stated, I really don't care either way.

i dont get why there are filters on cigarettes at all.
the person smoking is getting both first and second hand smoke from it.

It's because people usually smoke for the niccotine, not necessarily for the smoke.

Also, this webpage might be of some use to you guys. I know that there's a bunch of webpages and articles that state different "facts" so I really don't see any use, but whatever.

By "facts" I mean, what they say is a fact and then some other website says that it's a lie and then they present their own facts. But, yeah, that's just an example.

i dont get why there are filters on cigarettes at all.
the person smoking is getting both first and second hand smoke from it.


It's because people usually smoke for the niccotine

well how do you think they get the nicotine? they aren't chewing the cigarette.
yes they want the smoke.

well how do you think they get the nicotine? they aren't chewing the cigarette.
yes they want the smoke.
The filter filters out smoke, but from what I've heard** (and I'm not saying this is a fact, this is just what I have been personally told by many people) it doesn't make a difference to them as long as they smoke it.

I guess there's also the psychological aspect, which isn't really verifiable due to the fact that it's on a person-to-person basis.

The filter filters out smoke, but from what I've heard** (and I'm not saying this is a fact, this is just what I have been personally told by many people) it doesn't make a difference to them as long as they smoke it.

I guess there's also the psychological aspect, which isn't really verifiable due to the fact that it's on a person-to-person basis.
no, it filters out some of the stuff in the smoke, not all of it

The filter filters out smoke, but from what I've heard** (and I'm not saying this is a fact, this is just what I have been personally told by many people) it doesn't make a difference to them as long as they smoke it.

I guess there's also the psychological aspect, which isn't really verifiable due to the fact that it's on a person-to-person basis.

No, if you took out the filter, there would be a huge difference.

I found a cigarette butt on the ground and decided to cut it open. It looked pretty nasty.

No, if you took out the filter, there would be a huge difference.
My mom has explained the psychological aspects of smoking. It relieves stress. She has rheumatoid arthritis and she says that it takes her mind off of the pain. I'm not saying you're wrong about the first part, but that has nothing to do with the second part of that quote.

Smokers are so funny with the ways they rationalize their addiction.

I'm glad my school is finally banning smoking on campus.

I hope you didn't get me wrong, Otis. :s
If you're referring to my mom, she's not saying it's right or if it's natural. She's just saying why. She only smokes when she's stressed. She doesn't smoke for the hell of it, she's an intelligent individual who understands herself very well even if she does smoke. And trust me, she regrets making the decision many years ago to "look cool" in front of her friends, before anything was known about cigarettes.