Author Topic: Alex. T. Warren (BLID 7543) the super badmin  (Read 2122 times)

Alex. T Warren, a badmin at lego pepper's server. He was cheating and banned people for telling him he was cheating.

So much for his 'big change'.

he was also calling eveybody wiggers on IRC and he got kicked atleast three times

ya, hes a bit of a lier and id tribal as well

ya, hes a bit of a lier and id tribal as well
For future reference, say it in this manner, "discriminate towards IDs."

Thx for letting me know. De-Admin the badmin?

BTW, (sorry for double post, but no edit) everyone he banned is unbanned. I believe he banned 4 people. You are all unbanned.

He's an idiot.

Ugh, this idiot acted like I was the badmin when I wasn't doing anything (I was playing along with epic pwnage in the middle). Permabanned him and I hope he doesn't come back.

first time i saw this moron he came into a server (already had SA) changed everything and says he's the co-host then he turns a racing server into a DM and anyone that killed him he bans i just left since my friend was afk and i didnt wanna get banned on that server also he perma'd all the normal admins

ya, hes a bit of a lier and id tribal as well

Osht, when did IDs become a race?

ya, hes a bit of a lier and id tribal as well

let me retype that

as the smart fellow doorman, suggested, i'll rephase that

awhile ago, i was on a server where he was a admin, (it was a ctf) i caught him admining into the blue teams flag room (he was on the blue team) when had just seen him on the other side of the map and i was about to get the flag (i was on the red team) he admined over to the flag room and shot me, when i told the host, alex denied it, when he started to lose the arguement alex said "your listening to a 19k!!!" he wasn't punished, just told not to do it again,
in my opinion, it is a good idea to keep a eye on him if he is on your server, if you give him admin, check to make sure he didn't auto himself (sometimes a freind gives him super and he autos himself even when the friend tells him not to)

anyways he hes a bit discriminate toward IDs, and a liar

(oh and im tempted to make a drama thread titled "list of bad blockland players" where i'll have a list of badmins and build stealers (mabye some others) and their BLIDs if the person tells them)

Ah, I was about to post another post about him, but this will do. So, he comes into my server, unadmined. He's like LEGO WHAT THE ****. And he threatens to save my minigame world and use it as his own. He called me a whiner. xD He's such an annoyance. No one feel pity pity for him. I have a pic below.

Sorry I can't edit, but heres a pic of proof of annoying alex and his attempt to have us all pity him. I trust my admins way more than I ever will him.