Author Topic: Suggestion  (Read 2276 times)

---I have a good Idea for AOT, I think we should have horse stables that you can put your horse in and pay a weeks rent of say 20gp. I am sick of wasting 300gp to buy a new horse all the time because unreasonable people always kill or steal it!

---Another idea is that we should have pet dogs, these dogs should be some sort of herding dog that would fit the games setting, like a border collie, german shepherd, or polish lowland sheepdog(i think this is the best since it matches more, its and ancient breed). These dogs will help us fight and we have to feed them or else they will die of hunger, they can also be killed by other people and other dogs. Dogs should cost about 1k and  not be stolen when you log off.

If anyone agrees with my ideas then please reply saying that you do, i really think the dog idea will help some people set goals to getting them and will make the game more fun!

ok 1 thing use search because this has been talked about already

You complain about horses being player killed, so you suggest dogs that cost more and can be player killed?

i wrote a notebook full of these ideas, with descriptions and HOW they work. suggestions are nothing new, especially the horse one

I'm not gunna quote cause then no ones gunna read what I say, I like the pet idea. I think it should be like a following bot from blockland only not so close and doesn't fly, slowly decreasing health, must feed it some sort of dog food, logs off with you. High health, med attack. Barks when danger is near, costs a little more than a horse, runs same speed as you, goes through teleports with you, and pretty much make no way of losing it like if you go to volcano or something, it will follow your Self Delete out or something.

i have that idea in my book

give your dog chocolate it wont die no matter what the vet saysnot! nubpls read fine print if you love your animals
« Last Edit: October 31, 2006, 10:59:43 PM by -(IM)tay104-[BH] »

I didn't read the fine print. lol

He ate all of my Halloween candy...I think he has a stomach ache.

hey i got suggestions for the game!
how about...
a point to the stats, killing, money, traveling...

new content isnt really needed, as the heart of the game is far from ready.
its still just a chatroom.

if you will code the stable system and the breeds
modle each breed and do a decent job
badspot might give you a cookiethen send you on your way....

hey i got suggestions for the game!
how about...
a point to the stats, killing, money, traveling...

new content isnt really needed, as the heart of the game is far from ready.
its still just a chatroom.
stats isn't gunna be for a while, killing will get you gold, gold will get you weapons to kill, tnt for fun and clothes...pretty much anything, traveling...Can ya not walk???

He isn't adding stats.  He's tried it before and he didn't like it.  Only lasted 2 versions I think.  Can't really remember...I do remember being able to walk up any hill in the game though. xD

The stables should work like this: You take your horse up to the stable. you get off and talk to the Stable keeper. Say yes and it will do a radius search to see if your horse is nearby. Then it will play animation where the horse walks into the stable and then the horse is deleted, with it's final stats in your character profile log. When you want to take it out, talk to the Stable keeper again and say yes to taking out the horse, and a new horse object will be created and will have all original horse stats applied to it. It will play the entering stable animation backwords to show the horse coming out, then you can ride it. THis stable service should be free because of how much trouble it is without a safe place for horses. You'd be limited 3 horses per person in the stable at a time.