Author Topic: Pandan broke?  (Read 15038 times)

The Swordfish broke some of my add-ons :/

Yeah, every single add-on I have tried of Pandan's has had some sort of dysfunction.

As for your comment, Skip, I was implying that the majority of servers running Pandan's add-ons are servers of poor quality.

As for your comment, Skip, I was implying that the majority of servers running Pandan's add-ons are servers of poor quality.

He's trolling and you're all stupid.
Quote from: Steam chat
Never tell your password to anyone.
[WKH] The Marvelous Doktar Nick: hey
[WKH] The Marvelous Doktar Nick: so
[WKH] The Marvelous Doktar Nick: what made ya snap?
Pandan: who
[WKH] The Marvelous Doktar Nick: you
Pandan: why
[WKH] The Marvelous Doktar Nick: monday why the hell you be spamming?
Pandan: What??
[WKH] The Marvelous Doktar Nick: seriously brosef, why you trollin?
Pandan: cause everyone on the forum is stupid as stuff
Pandan: and it's funny as hell
Pandan: I'm thinking about making an account as chesse21 or something
[WKH] The Marvelous Doktar Nick: what are you, funny?
Pandan: YES.
Pandan: YES.
Pandan: I.
Pandan: AM.
Pandan: AM.
Pandan: AM.
Pandan: AM.

He's trolling and you're all stupid.
I never said that you loving cigarette.
It was funny. But now It's not.

@ Baddy
Ban cheese20 though. He's a loving stupid ass monday.

I never said that you loving cigarette.
It was funny. But now It's not.

@ Baddy
Ban cheese20 though. He's a loving stupid ass monday.

Pandan: cigarette.
Pandan: Quote editing bitch ass mother forget :(
[WKH] The Marvelous Doktar Nick: I EDITED NOTHIN
[WKH] The Marvelous Doktar Nick: because thats exactly what you're doing
[WKH] The Marvelous Doktar Nick: trolling stupid people
[WKH] The Marvelous Doktar Nick: amirite?

Cheese's been banned forever now, Pan.

Cheese's been banned forever now, Pan.
well kool
I rarely pay attention to who gets banned and who doesn't.
Because I don't care about that as much as I do about other things.

You guys. I love you all.


ha, lol jk.
uallfat lol

who wants to see a picture of dan being raped by a tentacle monster

lol that same picture

who wants to see a picture of dan being raped by a tentacle monster

     Ok, from what i have read of this thread and the girlfriend can safely say that Pandan is a depressed attention whore hiding behind a pointless trolling rampage that he types out but never means. Just for being as stupid as pandan you deserve a ban. We all know that the internet is filled with stupid people, but pandan is the worst that i've seen. He belongs with the rest of the cigarettes on 4chan not here on the BL forums.
     But to make matters worse, all these threads and conversations about him further give him the attention he wants more then anything in the world. The solution? A forum wide pledge to act like Pandan/Mtndew do not even exist.

   Hey Pandan if you read this...we all hate you, go die....really i mean this.

He's trolling and you're all stupid.
It's okay guys! It was all jokes!


Actually, I agree with you on most of that. Pandan has held some sort of grudge against me ever since that unfortunate drama topic :/