Author Topic: Bored..  (Read 5712 times)

I am bored 24/7. No matter what I do, what occupies me, I am always bored underneath. Does anyone else have this? It blows.


I know what will cheer you up.

I know what will cheer you up.
No, Tom, I already told you that's illegal.

You are too dependent on having other people entertain you. I fortunately never had that problem due to a lack of a social life growing up and am able to easily amuse myself for at least 2 hours with a common household stapler. Find where you hid your imagination and start playing with random things that would normally have no applicable use for their design.

With the stapler, I used it as a gun and a means of scaling the face of a grand mountain.


I sit on the computer and either program or do nothing at all on these damn forums. All day.

No, Tom, I already told you that's illegal.
Awww come on! :c

You are too dependent on having other people entertain you. I fortunately never had that problem due to a lack of a social life growing up and am able to easily amuse myself for at least 2 hours with a common household stapler. Find where you hid your imagination and start playing with random things that would normally have no applicable use for their design.

With the stapler, I used it as a gun and a means of scaling the face of a grand mountain.

Back in my day, we use to entertain ourselves by watching grass die!