Author Topic: jet plane VS lady gaga  (Read 3168 times)

Jet Plane VS Lady Gaga!


The battle for the sky has begun.

Lady Gaga uses Sing
Sing is super effective!

What's a 'Lady Gaga?'

i saw this and was like wtf?
then i saw arc

Lady Gaga uses Sing
Sing is super effective!
Sing=Zing=Zing-Lazor=Shoop da Whoop=wins fight.

the only thing in the air are her legs.

I would have love with lady gaga and a jet plane, so its a tie

jet plane.
For various reasons.

um gaga has a pusillanimous individual, jet dosent

Lady Gaga uses "Love Game".

jet plane.
For various reasons.
I saw that ninja.


um gaga has a pusillanimous individual, jet dosent
Fat women have those, too.

um gaga has a pusillanimous individual, jet dosent
um you has a handicapped brain, gaga and jet plane don't.