Author Topic: Religious Stupidity  (Read 31021 times)

Oh hey kids, I'm going to put you through pain and misery so you can come to my party where you get to ...uhm... worship me more! -God.   PS. I love everyone so you can even meet Riddler! Oh but if you didn't believe in me sorry you get tortured forever, at least you can meet Gandhi because he believed in some other non existent bullstuff!

I believe God created it like such so we may learn. :o

Either that or for lols.  :cookieMonster:
like I said, it's a test. if it was perfect, there would be no effort involved. he created us to learn, and become wise.

He could have created us with that knowledge, omnipotence is a bitch.

Convenient for you, isn't it? A very frustrating thing about being on this end of the argument is that many parts of the bible appear to be written purposefully vague so that evidence would be unable to disprove it. However, that very sentence strongly implies no gap.

also, just because it supports our side does not make it suspicious. if this is okay, I get to reply to anything you say with "Convenient for you, isn't it?".

oh well. I'ma go play BL. see yall later.

Oh hey kids, I'm going to put you through pain and misery so you can come to my party where you get to ...uhm... worship me more! -God.   PS. I love everyone so you can even meet Riddler! Oh but if you didn't believe in me sorry you get tortured forever, at least you can meet Gandhi because he believed in some other non existent bullstuff!

okay, right after this. this is definately just trolling. I mean, look at this. also, my religion belives that everyone started as an intelligence, matured into spirits, then were given bodies to go to earth. ergo: he created our bodies, forms, etc: but not our minds. I cannot speak for other religions.

However, that very sentence strongly implies no gap.
I'm going to back this up with some examples.

11,000,000,000 year gap:
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and Earth."

14 year gap:
"When I was born, I entered high school."

13 hour gap:
"When I got up this morning, I ate dinner."

no, he really does not. look.
nothing new here. just uneducated trolling. also, on another note, whether or not god knows what we will choose, we still need to experience this to become more wise.
I'm looking, and he presented it in an unsophisticated matter, but the point is there. If the christian god exists he appears to be quite the starfish.

also, just because it supports our side does not make it suspicious. if this is okay, I get to reply to anything you say with "Convenient for you, isn't it?".
I wasn't implying that anything supportive of Christianity was suspicious (or even use the word suspicious). I'm using that phrase (Convenient for you) to make it obvious to any readers that you are ignoring a majority of flaws pointed out in your posts. I am then rebutting any information you present. If your only argument is accusing us of ignoring significant and relevant amounts of information (which we aren't), then you could be said to be a fool.

okay, right after this. this is definately just trolling. I mean, look at this. also, my religion belives that everyone started as an intelligence, matured into spirits, then were given bodies to go to earth. ergo: he created our bodies, forms, etc: but not our minds. I cannot speak for other religions.
So where the hell did minds come from? You're literally creating truck-sized holes in your arguments. Additionally, regardless of how he presented his point, it's there, and you're ignoring it.

There's no reason to present it in a sophisticated manner anymore, if you could reason with these hooligans then I'd bother trying, might as well poke some fun.  Not only that but he even admitted to ignore a bunch of points, meanwhile it's easy to bring your attention to some outlandish statement that still makes a point.

If we traveled toward a faraway star, would we see it updating rapidly, due to the Doppler effect?

If we traveled toward a faraway star, would we see it updating rapidly, due to the Doppler effect?
First off, why would we be traveling toward a star? Eventually wouldn't we, you know, burn? :o

First off, why would we be traveling toward a star? Eventually wouldn't we, you know, burn? :o

I don't know, I was just asking.

I don't know, I was just asking.
Okey donkey then. :D

Maybe. :o

If we traveled toward a faraway star, would we see it updating rapidly, due to the Doppler effect?
If you were traveling at the speed of light towards it you would only see it happening at twice normal speed. In a word, yes.

If you were traveling at the speed of light towards it you would only see it happening at twice normal speed. In a word, yes.


That's not how relativity works. It's physically impossible to travel at light speed with anything of mass, because it requires an infinite amount of energy.

That's not how relativity works. It's physically impossible to travel at light speed with anything of mass, because it requires an infinite amount of energy.
Yea, that's why you get beamed up first.


That's not how relativity works. It's physically impossible to travel at light speed with anything of mass, because it requires an infinite amount of energy.
I said if, and I was just using it as an example speed. All he wanted to know was if the doppler effect applied to light.

reminds me of the ymAca in Monty Python's Flying Circus
Young. Mans. Anti. Christians. Association.