Author Topic: FIYAAAAAAAAAAAAAH  (Read 1099 times)

We had a fire drill yesterday during 3rd period. Serious business, right? 5 minutes wasted in English, yes.

Today we had a fire alarm, as in it wasn't a drill. We were watching Saving Private Ryan in World History (awesome, yes?) and all of the sudden the projector just turns off and fire alarm goes blaring, again. Flood lights are on and everyone looks confused because it is 99% unlikely to have two fire drills in a row.

We walk outside, fire truck arrives, alarm is over. Electrical problem apparently. We walk back inside, and as we're walking back in it the alarm goes off again but electricity is still out.

So we sit outside for 2 hours, went inside to grab lunch and got out again while the alarm wasn't on and got our stuff, and basically missed half the day for sitting in the sun.

Nice same happened to me a week ago because someone pulled it twice xD

Nice same happened to me a week ago because someone pulled it twice xD
But this wasn't pulled by anyone, the electricity just went out lol.


7th grade some ons lit a bush on fire and we stood out in the sun for 4 hours because they couldn't get the alarm to work after it.
Thirsty as forget.

7th grade some ons lit a bush on fire and we stood out in the sun for 4 hours because they couldn't get the alarm to work after it.
Thirsty as forget.
Thats pretty much what happened to us. The alarm didnt work after the blackout so classes were cancelled and for some reason so was our track meet even though its loving outdoors.

Apparently someone lit rubber cement on fire in art class at my school, it spread and caught a bunch of blank camera film on fire.

Apparently someone lit rubber cement on fire in art class at my school, it spread and caught a bunch of blank camera film on fire.

Woah! Did you die?

We had a fire in our locker room last year, it wasn't during school though. :l

At my college, the fire alarm speaks to you.

It says "Remain calm. Proceed to the nearest exit."

We all ignore it until the peeps make us leave because it's 'unsafe'.

Woah! Did you die?

Film is highly flammable, they use to not let it on airplanes and stuff, cuz of that and i were because you.

7th grade some ons lit a bush on fire and we stood out in the sun for 4 hours because they couldn't get the alarm to work after it.
Thirsty as forget.
Karma much?