
What to bring?

brown town lube
All of the above
Necessary items for a sleepover
Other (please state below)

Author Topic: Sleepover tommorow  (Read 1905 times)

Well, my friend and I have been planning for a sleepover tommorow. He told me to bring my iPod.

But the question is: what else should I bring?

friend boy or girl and are u boy or girl...

any way what else is there?

Bring some food, like salsa and chips, be sure to bring loads of that, if he has any kind of game console that you have a controller for bring that, if you have a laptop bring that (if you feel comfortable with that)

oh yea, and don't forget the brown town lube, you know, just in case

Sleeping bag, clothes, Ds, toothbrush, deodorant, possibly video games that are multilayer.

Sleeping bag, clothes, Ds, toothbrush, deodorant, possibly video games that are multilayer.
I don't have WaW or MW2 mind you.


He could rape you.

Bring some food, like salsa and chips, be sure to bring loads of that, if he has any kind of game console that you have a controller for bring that, if you have a laptop bring that (if you feel comfortable with that)

oh yea, and don't forget the brown town lube, you know, just in case
what if his friend is a  boy?

oh yea, and don't forget the brown town lube, you know, just in case

Don't bring your iPod, bring something that you'll never use at the sleepover just to piss your friend off.

Boy and he isn't gay.
Maybe he want to exit the closet at the sleepover.

Lol we got four for all of the above in the poll

But I do want to keep in touch with YouTube and Forums and that's basically why I'm bringing it.