Author Topic: [BAN] - Blockland Alliance Navy: Later, buddy.  (Read 280142 times)

No problem Ghoul.

Someone should make a client-sided add-on that allows light to go through the transparent paint but not projectiles.
I'd be much easier for Badspot to simply change the parameters of the raycast to not include trans bricks, but since it's not that big off a deal there is little point in doing it.

Our strict antispam policy is now blatantly stated in the server's welcome message as well as the clan topic's main post. If you can't notice that, you know your place.

Ace you saved my ship before clearing it right

Because gad evented all the airlocks :U

The dedicated server will be down Friday evening until Saturday morning. Just a heads up.

Because gad evented all the airlocks :U
It was rudimentary airlocks.  Just the basic events for opening and closing without leaks.  If you want effects put them in yourself.  I didn't add effects cause I had no idea what you wanted.  Also cause I was lazy. Huehuehue

Think I could get into this clan if I had an app that I made a while ago? It was a Medieval RPG that I never finished. Nearly finished the first area. Evented all by me, built by a friend. I would obviously app for the eventing side.

Trah lah lahhhh

I am thinking of developing a camera modification that creates natural shakes and movement without having to move the mouse, to create an amature camera effect.

Like, think Cloverfield, or even uh, Avatar.

I decided to go camping... IN SPAAAACE

I was too lazy to actually make a campfire so I just borrowed a holoprojector from one of the other crew members. I would return it, but I don't actually know whose it was.

No Clock, it was definitely more like this:
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 06:40:03 AM by Quintano Man »

No Clock, it was definitely more like this:
Yeah, that was before I threw you off. :cookieMonster:

Trah lah lahhhh

I am thinking of developing a camera modification that creates natural shakes and movement without having to move the mouse, to create an amature camera effect.

Like, think Cloverfield, or even uh, Avatar.
Possible.  There's plenty of camera shake effects already in the engine, you just need to put them to script.

TruBluRage and Hugums are in now. :D
« Last Edit: August 27, 2010, 06:08:50 PM by Aurion »