Author Topic: Advance player script. Console Cmd.  (Read 2874 times)

Ok, hello guys, im here to teach you advance players how to change your clan tags to anything you want, there is no limit to how long your clan tags can be if you use this script, first, open your console.....

Ok, here is a simple command.

findclientbyname("namehere").clanprefix = ("taghere");

You can replace "namehere" with anyones name in the server, and replace "taghere" with what you want your tag to say. Also, you can replace clanprefix with clansuffix to choose wich tag you wanna change. Also, the tag will only stay that way untill you disconnect from the server.

Note: this command is host only.


dont listen to him, this command actually deletes your blockland and logs your key on a website based in north korea!

dont listen to him, this command actually deletes your blockland and logs your key on a website based in north korea!

Don't listen to Moybus! Doing so makes it list your loveual organ size on an international database for all to laugh at!

dont listen to him, this command actually deletes your blockland and logs your key on a website based in north korea!




Please respond if you tried the script and liked its outcome, i dont want this topic de-railed please.

So we can bypass the limit of 4 char for tags?


1. You do not need to be an advanced player to use this. It is a simple script.
2. It is a server side command, so it only works if you are the host.

So we can bypass the limit of 4 char for tags?

1. You do not need to be an advanced player to use this. It is a simple script.
2. It is a server side command, so it only works if you are the host.
                   loving idiot, you gotta know how to open console and type stuff in.
                   Also, read the whole post before replying, dumbass.


loving idiot, you gotta know how to open console and type stuff in.
Also, read the whole post before replying, dumbass.
You think I'm stupid? Please explain to me what each part of the command actually means.

I've known this for awhile.


So has anyone else that is advanced.