Author Topic: Lordician's DM_Crossover  (Read 1488 times)

Hello, it is some time ago i showed a build (a demo build).
But now, i want some constructive comment on how to fill in the build i am currently building.

Now for the pic(s):

This is from the dropping zone version.
This version will have some supplies dropped every now and then.

The other version is with a mounted machine gun in the middle, protected by sandbags.
Of course, the middle will be overpowered and that's why i need some suggestions about what to add to this build to make it more fun to play.

Suggestions on what to add, remove or change are welcome at all times.

Currently, i am hosting the gunside version of this.
A dedicated server called: Lordician's DM server

« Last Edit: June 10, 2010, 06:12:52 AM by lordician »

Add more detail  :cookieMonster:
Haha, sure thing it needs more of that.

Though, i can't think of how to do it good. :/

Haha, sure thing it needs more of that.

Though, i can't think of how to do it good. :/
Class-picking. Maybe some AI that move/don't move. Weapon/Armor spawns. Healing areas. Secret areas. Secret over-powerness (e.g. a button air striking Team #). Unlockables. Some things you can mine like Trench Wars. An arsenal. See where I'm going now?

General TDM stuff.
That's where you go.

This is ment to be a DM.

Simple, but would work if you added more ;)

Definitely a great start, but like you said, needs more filler. I would say add trees, rocks, and natural cover. Maybe one or two more houses placed randomly on the green section.

Notes to self:

-Fix dropzone system.
-Replace dropzone sytem by radio controlled air drop system.
-Kill the suns of blockheads that get in places too high.
-Place some strategic pills/medkits/grenade spots in houses. (Houses have anti-camp security allready, just get on the roof with some grenade and find a hole. ;))
-Place some trees, rocks or anything cool. :3

Ur good at duplicating :P
Try and make most of the buildings different and add obstacles, tunnels underground or undergroudn water-tunnel stuff??
Good job though :P  :cookie:

Though, i can't think of how to do it good. :/

the trick to landscaping is make a wall
or a corner out of 32'32 or 16'16 and then
put 8'8 below them etc and after the 4'4
you can put in the 2'1( brick )

looks nice so far! :D

I thought of that while making this, that's why the landscape beneath this is hollow and that is the main reason why i putted the ground near the corners.

I guess i'll use the underground some more too.
Ur good at duplicating :P
Yes, yes indeed.
I used the duplicator for multiple things.

Notes to self:

-Fix dropzone system.
-Replace dropzone sytem by radio controlled air drop system.
-Kill the suns of blockheads that get in places too high.
-Place some strategic pills/medkits/grenade spots in houses. (Houses have anti-camp security allready, just get on the roof with some grenade and find a hole. ;))
-Place some trees, rocks or anything cool. :3
-Make underground cave system.
-Make different houses.

Whoa. That's epic.

I think using tunnels would be a good idea.

It's not epic, it was fun last night, but it isn't epic yet. :P

Hosting a dedicated server with the gunside version now.
So, check it out if you want.