Author Topic: (USAR App) Orange v. Blue CTF  (Read 1880 times)

This is my app for the USAR or US Army Rangers clan. It is a balanced, arcade style CTF which allows the player to buy better weapons by gaining points. Both teams have idential bases. My ingame name is Raider and my ID is 9345.

Here is the Orange team base. As I said before, both bases are identical. The base has two second story pillboxes, a health station, and a forward tower not shown. The ground looks yellow, but the picture just got screwed up D:.

Here is the middle area, where both teams have to travel through to get the others flag. As you can see the ramp with little arrows can send a player at high speed to the other side. This can quickly transport a player to the other side.

Here is the blue base with about the same features as the other base. Just different locations of boxes.

In the both bases there are weapon stores, gate, and an observatory. The weapon store, and gate are self-explanatory, but the observatory is where a tactical team player can observe through hidden cameras the enemy's movements. A player monitoring the observatory could swing the tide of the battle.

Please post suggestion, and rate x/10

If you are wondering why there is boxes as cover, its because I wanted this to be arcade style, and not realistic. Kinda how COD is arcade and Battlefield is realistic.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 06:59:57 PM by Raider. »

do /clearspambricks please

Just a narrow one way thing with boxes. Not very good.

do /clearspambricks please
why? that wouldn't do anything

Not that great. Could use some improvement (i.e. make it less narrow, like a big open battlefield; add more cover besides crates; add some scenary).

A player monitoring the observatory could swing the tide of the battle.
How? Its a linear map with lots of visibility except for the crates. If a sneak attack is attempted, the other team probably will have someone that sees them anyways.


Make it wider, more cover than boxes.
Other than that, its nice.

NINJAEDIT: + add detail.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2010, 10:07:21 AM by Manga »

Narrow, Dup'ed.I mean VERY Dup'ed i looks like you sat there with a Duplicator and a Fillcan. Duplicator for the bases and crates, and Fillcan to change the color of the bases.
More effort please.

I hate the rangers.

Wow. All this is a whole bunch of duped crates and 1 5x height base with a odd interior and a horrible color pick.

I like how the jeep probably can't leave the team's side due to the boxes xD.

Make it wider, more cover than boxes.
Other than that, its nice.

NINJAEDIT: + add detail.
« Last Edit: Today at 07:07:21 AM by Manga »


« Last Edit: Today at 07:07:21 AM by Manga »

He's not a very good ninja.