Author Topic: I got a free ipod.  (Read 342 times)

i've had an ipod touch 2nd gen 32gb for probably a year and a half. i use it all day everyday. this morning it wouldn't turn on so i went to the apple store tonight.
my warranty expired 6 months ago, but i walked out with a  brand new 3rd gen touch. for free.

i guess apple wanted my ipod for troubleshooting and research. maybe i shoulda bartered with them a little.

o and i got pulled over today because of some registration errors and instead of a 321 dollar ticket i got a warning cuz the cop was out of tickets.

by golly.

I'm using a free iPod touch right now. I got it the same way as you :D

i guess apple wanted my ipod for troubleshooting and research. maybe i shoulda bartered with them a little.

They're trying to be nice to see if people will forgive them after the "dead zone pandemic" and hopefully get the lawsuits off their heads.