Author Topic: Post Your Desktop!  (Read 157956 times)




richarding around.

What skin/apps are those? :O!

Nothing out of the ordinary


Feedback? c:

I see you found Omnimo anyway

Looking great, you should get rid of the dock though, and autohide the taskbar. There's a Chrome Panel, you've got the Steam and Recycling Panels already, plus you can add Panels that link to those folders. The colors just set the whole black & white scheme off.

and looks butt ugly? :cookieMonster:

no! your opinion is wrong!

The sad Keanu block is set to be above everything, so he'll always be sitting there.  Sadly.

I think i just found myself a new game to play

I see you found Omnimo anyway

Looking great, you should get rid of the dock though, and autohide the taskbar. There's a Chrome Panel, you've got the Steam and Recycling Panels already, plus you can add Panels that link to those folders. The colors just set the whole black & white scheme off.

I don't like icons because I'm all OCD and it just drives me crazy. ;-;
The folders are stackdocklets
Here's an older pic of what they do.

Same thing, just different wallpaper.

I see. Well I'd change the icons to black & white variations if possible, but that's just me.

The sad Keanu block is set to be above everything, so he'll always be sitting there.  Sadly.

I can't fit Keanu anywhere :[

Made a little space for him :D

Unfortunately I lose all track of time with my taskbar hidden
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 04:41:25 AM by Regulith »

Nothing strange here just a normal/good looking desktop.

Nothing strange here just a normal/good looking desktop.

What's MikuMiku (blue hair thing)