Author Topic: In need of a new graphics card  (Read 1102 times)

Well, it's been a while since my 9600 Geforce crapped out. (The fan broke) So now I need to know what new one I should get. One that's preferably about the size of a 9600.

GTX 250. I think that's what it's called.

GTX 260 is best performance you can get for your money IMO.

If you were using a 9600GT then using anything better would be most likely bottlenecked by inferior CPU/RAM.

GTX 260 is best performance you can get for your money IMO.

Definitely not.

I'm sure you could find a much cheaper deal on that card if you shop around.

If you were using a 9600GT then using anything better would be most likely bottlenecked by inferior CPU/RAM.

Unless he already made a significant upgrade to only his graphics crd theres a low possibility of this happening. people always have too much RAM (I have 8gb, about 4 too many), and cpus and gpus are usually indipendant in terms of being unbalanced in a system (I think that made sense) as they deal with different things (Logic vs display) so unless hes running a 2gb 1 core system he should be fine :)

besides what I pointed out about RAM tends to be the same with CPUs, as if you have anything over 2 cores, most programs aren't made to interact with the number of cores (Heck DF still runs on 1 core, and its a cycle hog)

basically he should be fine, unless hes running a dinosaur, in which case he'll run into power issues (But if he was running a 9600 he should be fine)

tl;dr: A ball dropped and a bullet shot level to the group at the same time will hit the ground at the same time.

I have good stuff otherwise. (2.6Ghz quad, and 4 GB RAM)