Author Topic: Hard drive is full. :c  (Read 7873 times)

I have 296MB left out of 37.2GB.
What2do other than empty my Recycle Bin and remove files?

EDIT: Back up to 2.96GB after deleting unnecessary programs/temporary files/etc.

DOUBLE EDIT: Back up to 4.78GB after going through my Downloads folder.

I'll try defragging now. Didn't work, see below.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2010, 06:35:40 PM by TheBlackParrot »

delete restore points


uninstall/delete stuff you dont use

Hard Drive is full.
Would you like to delete WINDOWS?

delete restore points


uninstall/delete stuff you dont use
I just deleted ~10 gigs of old games.

What would defragging my hard drive do? I know how to do it, but I never knew what it did.

Hard Drive is full.
Would you like to delete WINDOWS?
Very funny guys...

System Tools > Disk Cleanup

defrag organises your hdd to make it faster

What would defragging my hard drive do? I know how to do it, but I never knew what it did.
Very funny guys...

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Damn it, snot. I'm still explaining: When you defrag, it moves data together so it can be found and loaded faster. When it saves stuff in the fly, it may tend to break up the data across and area, and over time, this can be some slowdown.

  • Download windirstat.
  • Run it.
  • Figure out where all of your hard drive space went.
  • Delete all of the horrible stuff filling up your hard drive.

Then empty the recycle bin. Then go to Add/Remove Programs on XP, Programs and Features on Vista/7 and delete all the programs you never use. Then download 7zip or IZarc or something. Go to your documents folder and zip up all of your old essays for school and pictures you never bother looking at into archives. Then run disk cleanup. Then run defrag.

^ And if none of that helps, get an external HDD.

Uncompressed and high quality video takes up a lot of space. If you use fraps make sure to delete all the random clips you have after you put the video on youtube or whatever. If you have any HD video on your computer, either burn it to a disk or delete it when you're done.

You should probably go to Walmart, and buy one of those 2 TB External HDD's. They're grrrrrrrreat.

You only have 37gbs?

Get a bigger hard drive.

You only have 37gbs?

Get a bigger hard drive.
I plan on doing that, if I get Win7.